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A yearly anthology of writing from the people of Are.na. This year, the Annual is themed “document,” as in to record; to provide information or support; an official paper or digital file; a piece of evidence, a form of proof.
Read more about what’s in the Annual in the Editor’s Letter.
Contributors include Yeaye, Will Allstetter, Chia Amisola, Raegan Bird, Nathalia Dutra, Nika Simovich Fisher, Jonathan Sölanke Gathaara Fraser, Lu Heintz, Mariah Barden Jones, Steve 성민(Seongmin) Ju, Amelia K., Prairie Koziol, Joanne Lam, James Langdon, Marvin Renfordt, Reuben Son, Matthew Stuart, Gerardo Ismael Madera, Kalina Nedelcheva, Sharon Neema, Audrey Robinovitz, Finnegan Shannon, Megumi Tanaka, Luna Wang, and Iris Xu.